Main image misinformation

Social Media and Misinformation

Emerging Technology Final Project

Social Media and Misinformation

Emerging Technology Final Project

Thesis Statement

As social media’s influence and connectivity continues to grow, regulations are needed to combat the dangers of misinformation on increasingly influential social media platforms.


COVID-19 image

The first topic I will address on the dangers of misinformation in social media is COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the potential damage that misinformation can have on society. Conspiracies about vaccines and political infleunces has lead to distortion of facts on all levels. Political infleunce on all levels has lead to mistrust and confusion amongst the populus. We saw displays of politicians believing they knew or know more than trained doctors. Citizens developed almost cult like followings to ideas they believed to be true as opposed to scientific facts. Politicans exagerrated things such as mask wearing and vaccine effectiveness. How many lives could have been saved had such levels of misinformation not occured? What is there society can learn from this current situation or are we doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past? How does civilaization heal and move forward from this depth of misinformation? These are all questions I address in this project. Coronavirus Disease 2019 Rotator Graphic for (U.S. Air Force Graphic by Rosario “Charo” Gutierrez)

Social Media

COVID-19 image

The second topic I will address is the effects of misinformation in social media. Have technological advancements created more dnagers for us when it comes to social media. Platforms operate with no regulations other than the self imposed ones. Are our laws current enough to deal with such situations. Freedom of speech would imply that they are considering they are only a few kinds pf sppech that are currently restricted in the United States. Should this change considering when these laws were created in the Bill of Rights the intended purpose was to limit governmental control. As we've seen in recent times, individual citizens through the use of social media can be just as influencial as anyone else. Has the time come for federal regulations to social media platforms? © 2022